
What’s the point?

LOW Gallery, Ģertrūdes iela 115, Rīga, Latvia

What’s the point?

Despite the fact that our spaceships have left the solar system and everyone with a smartphone is more powerful than a Greek god, we are blinded by an acute lack of meaning and purpose. Do you shiver in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, wondering – what’s the point? This question is like a draught, breaking down doors and ripping open windows. We know that love is not enough; we must also learn the boring and difficult things – respect, attention, humility and care. It is not so bad. Let us build a house for ourselves on these ruins, let us move on – closer to the earth. We are lighter but wiser after a long journey, we will relish the opportunity to build and reconnect.

Dear LOW, we at Autarkia are burning with anticipation to meet you again. We can’t wait, this will be our first trip abroad, we’ll wear our best clothes and curl our hair – let’s make the most of this meeting.

18:15 Performance by Nancie Naive @LOW gallery

18:30 Parade by Andrej Polukord @streets of Riga

19:00 Picnic by Autarkia & LOWers @“Kompresors” field (corner of Satekles and Lāčplēša streets)

20:00 BBQ Q&A by Valentinas Klimašauskas @“Kompresors” field

20:30 Performance by Žygimantas Kudirka @“Kompresors” field

Autarkia is an artist day care center, a club of interests, an office space for putative experiences and imaginary solutions, a bistro of experimental gastronomy, a gallery and project development hotel in Vilnius. We are an artist-run, service-oriented institution focused on creating artist support and resources—financial, promotional, and conceptual—in Lithuania and abroad.

Par spīti tam, ka mūsu kosmosa kuģi ir pametuši saules sistēmu un ikviens, kuram pieejams viedtālrunis, ir spēcīgāks par grieķu dievu, mūs aizmiglo akūts jēgas un mērķu trūkums. Vai Tu nakts vidū drebi aukstos sviedros prātodams – kāda jēga? Šis jautājums traucas kā caurvējš, cērtot durvis un atraujot logus. Mēs zinām – ar mīlu vien nepietiek, mums jāmācās arī garlaicīgais un sarežģītais – cieņa, uzmanība, pazemība un rūpes. Tas nemaz nav tik slikti. Celsim sev namu uz šīm drupām, dosimies tālāk – tuvāk zemei. Pēc ilgstošas ceļošanas mēs esam vieglāki, taču gudrāki, mēs izbaudīsim iespēju no jauna celt un savienoties.

Dārgais LOW, mēs Autarkia, degam nepacietībā jūs atkal satikt. Nespējam nociesties, šis būs mūsu pirmais ārzemju ceļojums, mēs velkam labākās drānas un lokojam matus – izmantosim šo tikšanos godam.

Piedalās : Andrej Polukord, Antanas Gerlikas, Elīna Vītola, Nancie Naive, Lukas Strolia, Valentinas Klimašauskas, Laura Kaminskaitė, Ieva Kraule-Kūna, Žygimantas Kudirka, Robertas Narkus, Nerijus Rimkus, Amanda Ziemele.

Atbalsta Nordic Culture Point , Piebalgas alus, Caparol and Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds.

Īpašs paldies : Indre Lutkute.